Video Poker Cheating Devices Part 2

In the more than 50 years that video poker machines were available, many schemes were developed in order to “cheat” these machines to win more cash. Some of these schemes were successful for a time. Some methods, such as the coin flipping trick employed by Louis Colavecchio in the 1960s, never worked. Others were wishful thinking or hatched by scam artists and offered to the unsuspecting and gullible gambling public. In the first part of this article, we looked at some cheating methods that didn’t work. Here we look at a couple that did.

Video poker cheating Devices – The Haptic Device

A haptic device is a type of cheating device that uses a series of mini-vibrators to communicate with a cheater in a covert manner. This device works by vibrating each of the three mini-vibrators in a specific sequence depending on who has the strongest hand. The device has a remote that allows the user change the game and player number as needed. This device has become a favorite among poker cheaters. The device can be hidden in items such as power banks, watches, leather belts, and lighters. The communication is done via Bluetooth, making it difficult to detect. The device comes with a scanning cam, even though most poker analyzers have internal scanners. However, it is still sometimes necessary to use a separate camera as the internal one may not have the range and clarity required.