The Marked Playing Card Scanner

The marked playing card scan is a tool that allows you to read a card optically during a gaming session. The device consists of a camera, a card reader and a processor that controls the operation of each component. The system uses a neural-network algorithm to recognize the suit and value of the card. This can be used to determine if a player won, lost, or drew. The device tracks the number of gaming chips a player has won during the game. It can then increase or decrease the player’s betting positions and compute awards to players based on their playing activity.

Blazevic was featured in the WGPC Learning labs. His company created the Spectrum Vision SV-1 which is designed to detect marks made on cards with paints or daubs. He inserted a marked set of cards into SV-1. Then he cycled the deck through four different sources of light waves. Each of these waves caused the deck to reflect a daub, or paint, in a manner that appeared on a video monitor integrated into the SV-1.

There are many systems which attempt to track a cards suit and value. However, none of them have reached the level of accuracy of the new marker technology. The SV-1 system can be set up to confirm that a particular card is marked in a game. The SV-1 can also be used to identify cards which have been manipulated. This information can be given to casino security personnel to help them take the appropriate actions to protect against cheating.

Marked cards are a tool used by magicians or poker cheaters to gain an advantage in a game. Three types of marked cards are available on the market: magic marked cards, contact lenses marked cards and barcode marked card. These cards have special markings that are invisible to the naked eye. These markings may be small fonts or small marks on the corners that represent suits or numbers.

During his breakout session, Blazevic warned that casinos need to start taking this marked cards threat seriously. He said that, until recently it was a skill for cheaters to mark their cards in a manner that would make them undetectable by casino video cameras. Now, however, it is possible for anyone to purchase a kit online and learn how to mark cards themselves.

The WGPC learning labs will include additional breakout sessions. These include a tutorial on basic mechanics of marked playing cards, advanced techniques of marking cards and a demo of the latest cheating tech. The sessions will be held on January 24-25 at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Visit the WGPC’s website for more information. The event is open to the public and registration is free. Registration is required by the 21st of January. For more information, please visit the WGPC Learning Labs page.