Infrared Marked Cards Glasses For Poker Cheating

Infrared Marked Cards Glasses For Poker Cheating is a special kind of sunglasses that can help players see invisible marks on marked playing cards. These glasses can be easily used, just wear them and look at the back of the cards, then you will see the view that is pretty different from what the naked eyes shows. These sunglasses can also be used to read invisible marks on other objects or people. This is why many poker players use these lenses in order to cheat.

Marked cards are processed with invisible ink and printed with codes or marks of numbers and suits on the back. The marks cannot be seen by the naked eye, but can be detected by the glasses that are designed to see luminous ink marks. In this way, players are able to make the best decisions in gambling so that they can win at poker betting.

The most popular poker cheating device on the market is the luminous ink glasses. They are made using a combination of sandwich technology and laser dyeing systems. They come in different tint sizes to suit all types of eyes. They are designed to be as inconspicuous as possible so that opponents will not notice them.

The story of the invisible ink is a fascinating one and reads like a Hollywood movie: high-tech contact lenses, marked playing cards, corrupt casino employees, and the French Riviera. The Telegraph reported in 2011 that it was true. A gambler codenamed “Parmesan” won 70,000 euros in two days using this trick, which involved a special deck of marked cards and a pair of invisible ink glasses bought online for 2,000 euros.