Gambling Cheating Devices

Gambling cheating amrked cards are the tools that criminals use to manipulate games. These devices range from a laser scanner to measure the speed of a wheel in roulette, to a magnet that will cause a slot-machine to spin when it is supposed stop. There are even devices which allow gamblers the ability to read how many times a dice is rolled.

These devices are illegal, and their use is considered gambling fraud. The legal definition of gambling fraud includes “using a skilled to deceive someone for monetary gain.” Although skills can increase your odds of winning at certain card games or horse races, they may not be enough to overcome the randomness of the outcome.

Using technology to cheat a casino is an extremely gray area. Card counting is a popular way to beat casinos. Rain Man and 21 made it even more popular. But the actual practice of putting a computer in your pocket to count cards is technically illegal because it requires technology that could give you an advantage over other players.